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The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook 3rd Edition – September 24, 2012
The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook 3rd Edition – September 24, 2012

The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook 3rd Edition – September 24, 2012

The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook 3rd Edition - September 24, 2012

About the book from ELSEVIER


The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook — winner of a 2013 Highly Commended BMA Medical Book Award for Internal Medicine — has been an essential resource in the hematology, transfusion and immunogenetics fields since its first publication in the late 1990s.The third edition of The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook has been completely revised, updated and expanded to cover all 33 blood group systems. It blends scientific background and clinical applications and provides busy researchers and clinicians with at-a-glance information on over 330 blood group antigens, including history and information on terminology, expression, chromosomal assignment, carrier molecular description, functions, molecular bases of antigens and phenotypes, effect of enzymes/chemicals, clinical significance, disease associations and key references.

Key Features

  • Highly Commended 2013 BMA Medical Book Award for Internal Medicine
  • Includes more than 330 entries on blood group antigens in individual factsheets
  • Offers a logical and concise catalogue structure for each antigen in an improved interior design for quick reference
  • Written by three international experts from the field of immunohematology and transfusion medicine

Table of Contents

  • Preface


    Useful Websites

    SECTION I: The Introductory Chapters

    1. Introduction

    Aims of this FactsBook

    Selection of entries



    2. Organization of the data

    ISBT Blood Group Systems

    ISBT Blood Group Antigens

    ISBT Blood Group Collections

    ISBT 700 Series of Low-Incidence Antigens

    ISBT 901 Series of High-Incidence Antigens


    SECTION II: The Blood Group Systems and Antigens

    ABO. ABO Blood Group System

    A Antigen

    A1 Antigen

    MNS. MNS Blood Group System

    M Antigen

    N Antigen

    S Antigen

    s Antigen

    U Antigen

    He Antigen

    Mia Antigen

    Mc Antigen

    Vw Antigen

    Mur Antigen

    Mg Antigen

    Vr Antigen

    Me Antigen

    Mta Antigen

    Sta Antigen

    Ria Antigen

    Cla Antigen

    Nya Antigen

    Hut Antigen

    Hil Antigen

    Mv Antigen

    Far Antigen

    sD Antigen

    Mit Antigen

    Dantu Antigen

    Hop Antigen

    Nob Antigen

    Ena Antigen

    ENKT Antigen

    ‘N’ Antigen

    Or Antigen

    DANE Antigen

    TSEN Antigen

    MINY Antigen

    MUT Antigen

    SAT Antigen

    ERIK Antigen

    Osa Antigen

    ENEP Antigen

    ENEH Antigen

    HAG Antigen

    ENAV Antigen

    MARS Antigen

    ENDA Antigen

    ENEV Antigen

    MNTD Antigen

    P1PK. P1PK Blood Group System

    P1 Antigen

    Pk Antigen

    NOR Antigen

    RH. Rh Blood Group System

    D Antigen

    C Antigen

    c Antigen

    e Antigen

    f Antigen

    CX Antigen

    V Antigen

    EW Antigen

    Hr0 Antigen

    hrS Antigen

    VS Antigen

    CG Antigen

    CE Antigen

    Rh26 (c-like) Antigen

    cE Antigen

    Rh32 Antigen

    Rh33 Antigen

    HrB Antigen

    Rh35 Antigen

    Evans Antigen

    Rh39 Antigen

    Rh41 Antigen

    Rh42 Antigen

    Crawford Antigen

    Nou Antigen

    Sec Antigen

    STEM Antigen

    FPTT Antigen

    MAR Antigen

    BARC Antigen

    JAHK Antigen

    DAK Antigen

    LOCR Antigen

    CENR Antigen

    CEST Antigen

    CELO Antigen

    CEAG Antigen

    LU. Lutheran Blood Group System

    Lua Antigen

    Lub Antigen

    Lu3 Antigen

    Lu4 Antigen

    Lu5 Antigen

    Lu6 Antigen

    Lu7 Antigen

    Lu8 Antigen

    Lu9 Antigen

    Lu11 Antigen

    Lu12 Antigen

    Lu13 Antigen

    Lu14 Antigen

    Lu16 Antigen

    Lu17 Antigen

    Aua Antigen

    Aub Antigen

    Lu20 Antigen

    Lu21 Antigen

    LURC Antigen

    KEL. Kell Blood Group System

    K Antigen

    k Antigen

    Kpa Antigen

    Kpb Antigen

    Ku Antigen

    Jsa Antigen

    Jsb Antigen

    Ula Antigen

    K11 Antigen

    K12 Antigen

    K13 Antigen

    K14 Antigen

    K16 Antigen

    K18 Antigen

    K19 Antigen

    Km Antigen

    Kpc Antigen

    K22 Antigen

    K23 Antigen

    K24 Antigen

    VLAN Antigen

    TOU Antigen

    RAZ Antigen

    VONG Antigen

    KALT Antigen

    KTIM Antigen

    KYO Antigen

    KUCI Antigen

    KANT Antigen

    KASH Antigen

    KELP Antigen

    KETI Antigen

    KHUL Antigen

    LE. Lewis Blood Group System

    Lea Antigen

    Leb Antigen

    Leab Antigen

    LebH Antigen

    ALeb Antigen

    BLeb Antigen

    FY. Duffy Blood Group System

    Fya Antigen

    Fyb Antigen

    Fy3 Antigen

    Fy6 Antigen

    JK. Kidd Blood Group System

    Jka Antigen

    Jkb Antigen

    Jk3 Antigen

    DI. Diego Blood Group System

    Dia Antigen

    Dib Antigen

    Wra Antigen

    Wrb Antigen

    Wda Antigen

    Rba Antigen

    WARR Antigen

    ELO Antigen

    Wu Antigen

    Bpa Antigen

    Moa Antigen

    Hga Antigen

    Vga Antigen

    Swa Antigen

    BOW Antigen

    NFLD Antigen

    Jna Antigen

    KREP Antigen

    Tra Antigen

    Fra Antigen

    SW1 Antigen

    DISK Antigen

    YT. Yt Blood Group System

    Yta Antigen

    Ytb Antigen

    XG. Xg Blood Group System

    Xga Antigen

    SC. Scianna Blood Group System

    Sc1 Antigen

    Sc2 Antigen

    Sc3 Antigen

    Sc4 Antigen

    STAR Antigen

    SCER Antigen

    SCAN Antigen

    DO. Dombrock Blood Group System

    Doa Antigen

    Dob Antigen

    Gya Antigen

    Hy Antigen

    Joa Antigen

    DOYA Antigen

    DOMR Antigen

    DOLG Antigen

    CO. Colton Blood Group System

    Coa Antigen

    Cob Antigen

    Co3 Antigen

    Co4 Antigen

    LW. Landsteiner-Wiener Blood Group System

    LWa Antigen

    LWab Antigen

    LWb Antigen

    CH/RG. Chido/Rodgers Blood Group System

    Ch1 Antigen

    Ch2 Antigen

    Ch3 Antigen

    Ch4 Antigen

    Ch5 Antigen

    Ch6 Antigen

    WH Antigen

    Rg1 Antigen

    Rg2 Antigen

    H. H Blood Group System

    H Antigen

    XK. Kx Blood Group System

    Kx Antigen

    GE. Gerbich Blood Group System

    Ge2 Antigen

    Ge3 Antigen

    Ge4 Antigen

    Wb Antigen

    Lsa Antigen

    Ana Antigen

    Dha Antigen

    GEIS Antigen

    GEPL Antigen

    GEAT Antigen

    GETI Antigen

    CROM. Cromer Blood Group System

    Cra Antigen

    Tca Antigen

    Tcb Antigen

    Tcc Antigen

    Dra Antigen

    Esa Antigen

    IFC Antigen

    WESa Antigen

    WESb Antigen

    UMC Antigen

    GUTI Antigen

    SERF Antigen

    ZENA Antigen

    CROV Antigen

    CRAM Antigen

    CROZ Antigen

    KN. Knops Blood Group System

    Kna Antigen

    Knb Antigen

    McCa Antigen

    Sla Antigen

    Yka Antigen

    McCb Antigen

    Vil Antigen

    Sl3 Antigen

    KCAM Antigen

    IN. Indian Blood Group System

    Ina Antigen

    Inb Antigen

    INFI Antigen

    INJA Antigen

    OK. Ok Blood Group System

    Oka Antigen

    OKGV Antigen

    OKVM Antigen

    RAPH. Raph Blood Group System

    MER2 Antigen

    JMH. John Milton Hagen Blood Group System

    JMH Antigen

    JMHK Antigen

    JMHL Antigen

    JMHG Antigen

    JMHM Antigen

    JMHQ Antigen

    I. I Blood Group System

    I Antigen

    GLOB. Globoside Blood Group System

    P Antigen

    Gill. Gill Blood Group System

    GIL Antigen

    RHAG. Rh-Associated Glycoprotein Blood Group System

    Duclos Antigen

    Ola Antigen

    DSLK Antigen

    RHAG4 Antigen

    FORS. FORS Blood Group System

    FORS1 Antigen

    JR. JR Blood Group System

    Jra Antigen

    LAN. Lan Blood Group System

    Lan Antigen

    Collections. Blood Group Collections

    Csa Antigen

    Csb Antigen

    Ii. Ii Blood Group Collection

    i Antigen

    ER. Er Blood Group Collection

    Erb Antigen

    Er3 Antigen

    GLOB. Globoside Blood Group Collection

    PX2 Antigen

    210. Unnamed Blood Group Collection

    Led Antigen

    VEL. Vel Blood Group Collection

    Vel Antigen

    ABTI Antigen

    MN CHO. MN CHO Blood Group Collection

    Hu Antigen

    M1 Antigen

    Tm Antigen

    Can Antigen

    Sext Antigen

    Sj Antigen

    700 Series. The 700 Series of Low-Incidence Antigens

    700 Series of Low-Incidence Antigens

    901 Series. The 901 Series of High-Incidence Antigens

    Ata Antigen

    Emm Antigen

    AnWj Antigen

    Sda Antigen

    PEL Antigen

    MAM Antigen

    SECTION III: Other Useful Facts

    Section III. Other Useful Facts

    Usefulness of the effect of enzymes and DTT on antigens in antibody identification

    Effect of acid on antigen expression

    Effect of chloroquine diphosphate on antigen expression

    Substrate specificity of selected enzymes for peptide and CHO bonds

    Mixed Field Agglutination may be observed in:

    Blood group antigens absent (altered) on selected RBC phenotypes

    Biosynthetic pathways

    Antigens with lactosylceramide as a precursor

    High prevalence antigens absent (and selected phenotypes) in certain ethnic populations

    Low-prevalence antigens present in certain ethnic populations

    Clinical significance of some alloantibodies to blood group antigens

    Characteristics of some blood group alloantibodies

    Antigen-negative prevalence for some polymorphic antigens

    Potentially useful information for problem-solving in immunohematology

    Alloantibodies that may have in vitro hemolytic properties

    Conditions associated with suppression (sometimes total) or with alteration of antigen expression

    Causes of apparent in vivo hemolysis

    Target antigen suppression

    Drugs associated with immune hemolytic anemia and/or positive DAT in which drug-dependent antibodies were detected

    Drugs associated with cases of immune hemolytic anemia and/or positive DAT caused by drug-independent antibodies (autoantibodies)

    Drugs associated with the detection of non-immunologic protein adsorption onto RBCs

    Blood group systems and their gene products

    Proteins altered on Rhnull RBCs

    Blood Group Proteins, Mr, abundance, and selected reactive monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)

    Changes in numbering of nucleotides and amino acids

    Some causes of pseudo-discrepancies between genotype and phenotype

    Chromosomal location of genes encoding or influencing the expression of blood groups

    Some lectins and their simple specificities

    Polyagglutination types, and the expected reactions with group O^ RBCs and lectins

    Diagrammatic representation of Cad, Tn, T, Tk, and acquired B

About the Authors

Marion Reid

Affiliations and Expertise

New York Blood Center, New York, U.S.A.

Christine Lomas-Francis

Affiliations and Expertise

New York Blood Center, New York, U.S.A.

Martin Olsson

Affiliations and Expertise

Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University Lund, Sweden
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