ISBT Webinars-Rh immune globulin immunoprophylaxis after RhD-positive red cell exposure in RhD-negative patients via transfusion: A survey of practice
Date: 21 May 2024
Objective: This webinar aims to highlight the practice of using RhIG immunoprophylaxis for RhD-negative patients who receive RhD-positive blood products.
Education Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Prerequisites: Participants are encouraged to read the following article prior to attending:
Target Audience:
- Doctors
- Pharmacists
- Blood Bankers
- Transfusion Practitioners
Speaker: Wen Lu Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Moderator: Nour Almozain YPC Eastern Mediterranean representative, Haematopathology and Transfusion Medicine Physician, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center
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